

My career began the day I realized social impact was not just my passion, but my professional purpose.

The causes that I am most passionate about include environmental sustainability, anti-racism, intersectional feminism, inter-personal violence reduction (with an emphasis on sexual violence), and progressive sexual education. I believe storytelling and system building have a powerful role to play in each of these efforts.



Carbon Zero Financial
Founder & CEO

Helping everyday people more effectively act and transact according to their concern for the planet.

B2B fintech providing white label climate technology for the automatic measurement, monitoring, and offsetting of cardholders’ carbon footprints as they spend. Carbon Zero works with banks, credit unions, fintechs, and startups to implement plug-in climate impact and ESG technology across financial products and services.





Share the Wealth
Co-Founder & Educator

If you don’t know how to make your money work for you, you will always be stuck working to make money. And unfortunately, this lack of education on effective money management drastically exacerbates the existing inequities and economic disparities that already impact marginalized communities.

A critical component of wealth building is the ability to make informed decisions about your money. Share the Wealth Workshops are free educational presentations that seek to

  • collect data on women’s money psychologies

  • identify and correct the limiting beliefs that disempower women from investing and building wealth

  • introduce the concept of F.I. (Financial Independence)

  • provide actionable resources to help women begin budgeting, saving, and investing in their financial freedom




Founder & CEO

On a mission to reduce the racial wealth gap via the decentralization of reparations.

Accountable is a non profit that provides the education and infrastructure for white professionals to not only acknowledge their white privilege but actually account for it through the reallocation of personal assets into black businesses, communities, and mutual aid funds.

We are able to account for privilege. So let’s hold ourselves Accountable.




My Voice Matters
Inter-personal Violence Educator

Based on the work I started with PAVE (see below), My Voice Matters is a collection of workshops for different age groups that seek to empower and educate on issues of interpersonal violence and bystander intervention.

Elementary School: use role play & call and response to normalize advocating for both themselves and others. Increase children’s comfort using advocacy language.

Middle School: use stories and fill-in-the-blank sentence building to learn how to identify and resolve conflict (i.e. You did X, it made me feel Y, and in the future I would feel more comfortable if you did Z). Develop healthy inter-personal communication strategies for boundary setting.

High School / College: use media to introduce a more comprehensive spectrum of violent behaviors, from microaggressions to physical aggressions. Explain how normalization of microaggressions create environments where physical aggressions are more likely to occur. Provide intervention strategies for full spectrum of scenarios. (Specific emphasis on sexual violence).

In Progress: self advocacy and self empowerment coaching for women. Identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs that undermine achievement of full potential, personally and professionally.



Fulbright Fellow
Ivory Coast, West Africa

Most of the work I did during my Fellowship centered around youth development with a specific emphasis on human rights advocacy, self expression, and gender equity.

In order to champion this work while still respecting local customs and communities, I made a concerted effort to spend the first quarter of my Fellowship building relationships with community stakeholders, identifying mutual goals, and earning trust. Thanks to the relationships we forged, I was able to accomplish the following:

  • Created & implemented educational programming for 57 classes at Collège Moderne de Cocody (4,500+ students) in Abidjan

  • Founded arts-based Human Rights group for youth using storytelling, narrative, and song to discuss social injustice

  • Organized and keynoted 7 regional education conferences throughout Ivory Coast to establish partnerships with local educational institutions for youth development

Here's a look at what my life in Abidjan entailed ...




V-Day International
Chapter President

As Chapter President of V-Day UPenn, I led the world’s largest collegiate chapter of Eve Ensler’s non profit, V-Day International.

Our approach to sexual violence awareness and prevention was 3 fold:

  1. Community Education: devised weekly educational programming for 100+ member community on topics of reproductive rights, interpersonal violence, and sexual health.

  2. Fundraising: through a rigorous fundraising campaign that involved Eve Ensler’s V-Day International staff, University organizations, local businesses, and alumni, we raised $42,347 for Women Organized Against Rape (WOAR), Philadelphia’s only full-service rape crisis center.

  3. Art & Storytelling: produced the play, The Vagina Monologues, to an audience of over 2,000 people.



Anti-Violence Educator

As an inaugural member of Penn Anti Violence Education (PAVE), I was selected & paid by the University of Pennsylvania Violence Prevention Department to develop and present workshops on interpersonal violence.

The aims of the workshops were to

  • introduce a framework for understanding the spectrum that violence exists on, ranging from microaggressions to physical aggressions

  • explain how unchecked microaggressions can create environments where physical aggressions are more likely to occur

  • use narrative and polling to illustrate the role(s) each of us play in preventing or perpetuating violence

  • provide specific strategies for bystander intervention going forward